Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Traitor king - Edward VII told Germans where France's defenses were weak

 Traitor king - Edward VII told Germans where France's defenses were weak. Over 100,000 British soldiers died as a result. This was after he abdicated - gave up - his throne and was again Duke of Windsor.

Who can imagine that a king - an ex-king - would knowingly cause the deaths of his subjects?

“If they had known that a member of the Royal Family had helped to supply information that led to that rout, to Dunkirk, that led to that evacuation, it would have been utterly galling.”

... The military secrets given to the Nazis by Britain’s former King are seen as being instrumental to Germany’s invasion of France.

Dr Lownie explained: “When the attack comes, it is the very weak spots that the Duke has identified, which the Germans actually attack.” 

This was disclosed in 2022 in a British TV show.

Espress (UK)

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