Wednesday, February 19, 2025

You won't see this in the Seattle Times

 Our new attorney general of Washington, like the last one, puts priority on rushing to the cameras over his job as top law-enforcement officer in the state.

AG Nick Brown is so proud of his efforts to stop President Trump in court. But he lost. Will the Sea Times put this on the front page. "No. Didn't see it." Invisible news.

Washington State Standard - Federal judge turns down attempt by Democratic AGs to block Elon Musk and DOGE

(I admit that I stopped reading the Seattle Times after decades, so I rely on other people for the facts regarding what they cover.)

Friday, January 17, 2025

What a petty person -- woman?

 Vice President Kamala Harris is not being a decent person. Could she try?

Next Monday VP-elect J D Vance will be moving into the Naval Observatory which is the official resident of the VP. So they need to plan their move.

They have little kids. So Usha Vance, his wife, called to ask if the place is kid safe; could it be made kid safe? "No," Harris's staff responded, "We will not help you." Reports are that after initial refusal their were phone discussions. 

The Vances want a walk through to prepare the move. You know... walk around. "No" What a petty person. Her pronouns are she/her. Is she a woman?

In 2008 VP Cheny hosted incoming VP Biden for an hour. In 2016 VP Biden hosted incoming VP Pence for two hours. In 2020 Harris refused an invite to visit. Can't Harris be decent?


Hmmm... first link above didn't work in preview mode. So I added the second...

Friday, April 26, 2024

Israel's chances against Iran are looking better - much better

 I am feeling better about the threat Iran poses to Israel. Good news on both Israel’s defense and offense - see the link. And… when Iran attacks Israel its weapons are so crummy that they might hit Jordan or Saudi Arabia - an act of war! - and Israel will get help from its neighbors.

First Hanson talks about the details. 

Iran's Nightmares | RealClearPolitics:

Now that the soil of both Iran and Israel is no longer sacred and immune from attack, the mystique of the Iranian nuclear threat has dissipated.

It should be harder for the theocracy to shake down Western governments for hostage bribes, sanctions relief, and Iran-deal giveaways on the implied threat of Iran successfully nuking the Jewish state.

The new reality is that Iran has goaded an Israel that has numerous nuclear weapons and dozens of nuclear-tipped missiles in hardened silos and on submarines. Tehran has zero ability to stop any of these missiles or sophisticated fifth-generation Israeli aircraft armed with nuclear bombs and missiles.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are under Trudeau


Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are under Trudeau as 'many under 35s are unlikely ever to buy a home'

Police have warned Canada's leaders they will struggle to contain the fury at its deteriorating economy and a generational revolt by young people unable to ever buy a home.

The secret report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police paints an apocalyptical picture of the future for America's northern neighbor, predicting it will be riven by economic crisis, ecological meltdown and territorial disintegration.

The report has caused a sensation in the Great White North after a heavily redacted version was released following a long-running access to information request by a Canadian academic.

Described by its authors as a 'scanning exercise', the Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends for Canada warns that the truckers' convoy protests that polarized the country in 2022 may just be the precursor for a society increasingly polarized by 'conspiracy theories and paranoia'.

No. The problem isn't conspiracy theories, but a country that is under the thumb of a mediocre bully. He has the population afraid and getting poorer and poorer under his policies. (More below.) Source: Daily Mail - UK

'The coming period of recession will accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,' they wrote.

'For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live.

'The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the fact that the difference between the extremes of wealth is greater now than it has been at any time in several generations.'

The report was produced last year to provide 'special operational information' for senior officers in the RCMP and 'decision-makers' in the federal government. And it warns that Canada's prospects 'will probably deteriorate further in the next five years'. 'Law enforcement should expect continuing social and political polarization fueled by misinformation campaigns and an increasing mistrust for all democratic institutions,' it notes.

The 'Freedom Convoy' protests galvanized millions of people opposed to the long-serving Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Originally started by Canadian truckers opposing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border drivers, they became a rallying point for separatists and complaints about the living standards. Thousands camped outside the Canadian parliament building, and vital trade routes along the Canada-US border were shut down along with key parts of the capital for more than three weeks. 

They were finally broken when Trudeau deployed Canada's Emergencies Act, enabling draconian penalties for those interfering with critical infrastructure.

The report paints a terrifying picture of environmental threats which it warns could have an outsized impact in Canada.

'Canada's north is getting hotter at least three times faster than the global average,' it claims. 'Shrinking polar icecaps are providing access to untapped raw materials and new paths for transportation. This new opportunity for profit is causing several countries to expand their territorial claims in the area,' which it notes will lead to 'increasing pressure to cede Arctic territory'.

And alongside gloomy predictions about the impact of artificial intelligence and crypto currencies are warnings about what it calls the 'erosion of trust'.

'The past seven years have seen marked social and political polarization in the Western world,' it claims.

'Capitalizing on the rise of political polarization and conspiracy theories have been populists willing to tailor their messages to appeal to extremist movements.'

Home-ownership has become impossible for near record numbers of Canadians according to analysts, with just 26 per cent of households now able to afford a single-family home.

'The situation is particularly tense in Vancouver, Victoria and Toronto where the costs of owning a home are sky-high,' wrote RBC in December. 'Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax also face challenging affordability conditions.'

The report concludes with a 'next steps' section which has been entirely redacted sparking intense speculation about what the government plans to do.

'I think they're panicking. This means that asset/homeowners are going to get wrecked and the young will afford to buy,' tweeted @roguechristian. 'This is not only a Canadian problem. It afflicts all Western countries. We live on borrowed time,' added Gary Clueit.

'Canada for a long time has only relied on its natural resources, its industry is mostly American, the prices of homes are already insanely high the housing bubble keeps increasing, and most decent jobs are in banking,' wrote @SamuraiElf.

'The RCMP assessment is not a surprise.'  'The time of western hegemony is over,' suggested Tony DiLorenzo.

But... you respond the US is more expensive . Not true. Looking into cost of living data I see "Yes. Canada is cheaper in many areas -- child care, rent..." But buying real estate is much more expensive in Canada. And the average income in the US is much higher - plus 58 per cent in this source. Numbeo

Friday, January 26, 2024

Pres. S Joe Biden plans to cut natural gas exports, double crossing Europe

Where can Europe get natural gas? President S Joe cut off Russian natural gas to Europe due to Ukraine. Their few alternate sources include liquified natural gas (LNG) from the US.

But Joe is planning to restrict US exports. Sabotaging Europe!? Because of climate change, you know.


The Biden administration’s climate-driven rethinking of U.S. natural gas exports is spooking Europe’s fragile energy industry.

The reassessment of how the Department of Energy approves gas export permits, first reported by POLITICO, threatens to stall projects that Europe depends on to meet its energy demands while it tries to counter Russia’s war in Ukraine. It’s just the latest example of how U.S. policy priorities — in this case, reducing reliance on carbon-polluting fossil fuels — can create headaches for European leaders and even frustrate the transatlantic allies’ shared security goals.

And now his minions won’t talk about, that is admit, what they plan to do.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pro-human-flourishing proponents Milei and Roberts speak straight to WEF Davos elite

 President Milei of Argentina and Kevin Roberts of Heritage Foundation were invited to speak at Davos and told the billionaires and world leaders the truth - that their World Economic Forum plans cause harm and are rejected by most Americans.

Milei gave a 25-minute class on the benefits of free markets. Poverty was near universal 300 years ago, but was ended by the economic growth brought about by free markets - by entrepreneurs bringing goods and services that people needed and wanted; that their goods competed in the free market and the best, most efficient won. By this deep poverty went from 99 per cent to 10 per cent.

Someone used an AI system called HeyGen to make Milei speak perfect English in his own voice with perfect lip synching. And they did it right away

Link at X/Twitter

Kevin Roberts told the elite that they are the problem.

- The elite tell us that open borders / illegal immigration is positive. The American people tell us "that they rob them of the American way of life."

- That public safely isn't a problem in American cities, "but travel to NY City, Washington or Dallas and the average person will tell you that it damages not just the American way of life, but their life."

- That we have this existential crisis with so-called climate change, but "the solutions, the average person knows are far worse and more harmful and cost more human lives... than do the problem, problems [sic] themselves."

- Fourth, China - "the number one adversary, not just to the US  but to free people on Earth. Not only at Davos do we not say that, but we give the Communist Party a platform. Count on President Trump to end that."  

- Fifth - Another super-national organization the World Health Organization intends to foist gender ideology on the global South. These policies under review by countries in N Europe. The new president will, as you like to say, trust the science. He will understand the basic biological reality of manhood and womanhood. And do you know why? ... Because he has the power of the American people behiind him.

Finally Roberts quoted Pres. Milei - that he is in power "not to guide sheep, but to awaken lions."

Roberts made his main points in 3 plus minutes at Heritage's Daily Signal

Saturday, November 18, 2023

National review won't let me enter my account

 National Review has a new "feature." It tells me my ad blocker is preventing it from functioning properly. Yes. I use one. So I turn it off. Then I get the same message. Not impressed.

It tells me to login. But doesn't show a login screen! 

So because it remembers that the ad blocker once blocked it won't allow me to log in. I paid $50 a year for this.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The strange alliance between the left and Muslim extremists -- And western values remade the world for the better

This analysis of the unholy alliance of the left and Muslim exremists by Charles Lipson of U of Chicago is very good. But the defense of Western civilization toward the end is outstanding. Especially three paragraphs toward the end that highlight the huge difference western/Christian values made in... 

1) Lifting mankind out of poverty was due to Western (Christian) values and actions. 

The idea that the West is responsible for the world’s poverty has a [small] core of truthful criticism next to a mountain of lies. One doesn’t have to apologize for colonialism to note that almost everyone on planet Earth lived in grinding poverty until the cumulative effects of industrialization began to take hold after 1800. That process began in northwestern Europe and gradually spread across the world, lifting income, health, diet, and life expectancy. Where it failed was in countries racked by civil unrest or governed by rapacious regimes that didn’t provide public order or secure property rights and stole the revenues needed to provide essential public goods.

2) The end of slavery - ditto. 

As for human liberation, no societies voluntarily ended human bondage [slavery] until the West did it, mostly in the 18th and 19th centuries. Britain spent enormous sums stationing its navy off the African coast to prevent the transshipment of slaves, which had been captured and sold by local tribes. Britain gained nothing financially from that effort; it did it for moral reasons. In America, “free states” in the North and Midwest abolished slavery well before the Civil War. The war itself ended slavery, though blacks were still oppressed for another century by Jim Crow laws (in the South) and segregation (everywhere). Those practices were always inconsistent with the Western ideal of human equality and were finally outlawed in the mid-1960s by the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.

3) It’s what they call "bourgeois (corrected) values," not inherited wealth that makes good people, good families, stable society and a great country — the values we value and model in our lives and families. 

It’s high time Americans went beyond revulsion and defended their basic, liberal ideals and the constitutional democracy founded upon them. We don’t have to accept the mantle of “oppressors” because of events that happened long before we were born, for which we are not responsible, and from which we never profited. We don’t have to accept the damning slur that our success is due to “privilege” rather than hard work, time-tested values, and a good education. The greatest “privilege” is not inherited wealth or status. It is being raised in a stable home by loving parents, living in an orderly community, and growing up in a country where each of us is free to pursue our own goals and define ourselves as we choose.

Corrected "Bourgeois" 11/7/2023

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Traitor king - Edward VII told Germans where France's defenses were weak

 Traitor king - Edward VII told Germans where France's defenses were weak. Over 100,000 British soldiers died as a result. This was after he abdicated - gave up - his throne and was again Duke of Windsor.

Who can imagine that a king - an ex-king - would knowingly cause the deaths of his subjects?

“If they had known that a member of the Royal Family had helped to supply information that led to that rout, to Dunkirk, that led to that evacuation, it would have been utterly galling.”

... The military secrets given to the Nazis by Britain’s former King are seen as being instrumental to Germany’s invasion of France.

Dr Lownie explained: “When the attack comes, it is the very weak spots that the Duke has identified, which the Germans actually attack.” 

This was disclosed in 2022 in a British TV show.

Espress (UK)

Friday, July 07, 2023

Experts are baffled: Who left cocaine in the White House?

 I wonder who left cocaine in the White House. Secret Service tracked down grandmas in Kansas who spent 5 minutes in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. But they say they won't be able to find who did it. Yeah, sure. Tough assignment.

Indeed they are too busy on the Jan. 6 investigation to look into unimportant things like crimes committed in Joe Biden's White House.

The White House That Tracked Down Grannies After Capitol Riot Wants You To Believe Cocaine Caper Has Them Stumped

Friday, June 30, 2023

Am I the only person on crutches?

 Am I the only person on crutches? In three weeks on crutches I have only seen one other person - in the doctor’s office - on crutches. It’s not fair (whining).

Three weeks ago on 6/10 I fell on my injured hip (more of the history below) with all my 175 lbs. Oh, my. I was a half block from home and had to be picked up by car; I couldn’t walk. An hour plus in urgent care and (my blood pressure was 70/something) 5 1/2 in the ER. “Nothing broken; all the hardware is in the right place. It’s soft tissue damage and will (or should?) heal. My goal was to be mowing the lawn in a week. Ha!

The trip to doctor 10 days later was the one-year check on my knee replacement (pretty good) and I show up on crutches!

Yesterday after 19 days I was starting to go around the house using one crutch, which means 90% weight bearing and occasionally 100%. Two crutches when going places. And I am a semi invalid - long naps. But even with that progress my hip still says “uncomfortable" with every step!!. A few more days to walking. Current goal: mowing the lawn in a week.

History: In 2008 I fell riding my bicycle down a steep hill in the rain a few blocks east of Bill Gates’s office in Redmond (before he retired). I refused help from passersby, but it took me a few minutes to move my butt 3 feet to the curb so I accepted a ride to my car. Next to Evergreen Hospital. But when they saw I had smashed the acetabular (hip socket) they sent me to Harborview Hospital in Seattle. Waited a day in traction. 6-hour surgery. 6 days in the hospital. We hired a cabulance to get me home (“but your insurance won’t pay for it”). Then 7 days without leaving home. I was so weak that they didn’t put me on crutches, but I used a walker as crutches. I have never seen another person doing that. The walker is an amazing combination of light and strong, but it’s not designed to carry one’s weight. (I got excellent care at Harborview.)

Three months off work and 3 months on crutches, non-weight-bearing. When I returned to work I worked in the morning and slept in the afternoon. By Christmas that part-time schedule cost me 200 hours of work at my expense. After 5 months I quit making progress; surgeon didn’t believe me on my next check, but on the one after that he showed my on the X-ray that my injured side was 3/8 inch shorter. After 10 months to Valley General in Renton for full hip replacement. Another month off work and 2 months on crutches again. But this time I was 50% weight-bearing. It’s a big difference to be able to stand with weight evenly divided instead of the strong leg having to do all the work. Using crutches after hip replacement is unusual. It was because they did a bone graft. Another: Why didn’t they tell me before!?

Three months after the second surgery I gave up the cane and walked on my own. Maybe a month after that I realized that no one was noticing how I walked. I had no limp; didn’t expect that. That was a big victory!

I only worked another 6 months until I retired. Did no business trips those 6 months versus several per year. At that point Boeing had moved so much work to California that meetings that used to be a 15-mile drive became a 2-day trip.

For the 14 years since I have kept walking every day. I am slower and go at my own pace but am a little jealous of people who obviously are on longer walks. And I love to walk beaches which always are uneven and require more energy. Bonus: I saw three bald eagles across the street this morning. Two landed in a tree 200 feet away, but I failed to get a pic.

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Make everything use electric power. And shut down electric power plants

Gov. Jay Inslee logic: Shut down electric power plants at the same time you require more use of electricity.

He is rejoicing the shut down of the state's last coal-fired power plant in Centralia, WA in 2025. How will Puget Sound Energy cope? It gets 14.5% of its electricty from Centralia. 2025 is not far away. What will they do? They say they are studying options in Seattle Times 5/30/2023. (PSE provides electricity to 1.1 million customers - households and businesses - in Western Washington.)

So in the future we will have less electricity from coal. Less electricity from natural gas. Less from hydroelectric dams. Gov. Jay also wants to tear down four dams on the Snake River that provide hydroelectric power. Less electricity.

You say: solar and wind will provide more than enough. But the sun doesn't shine at night. And the wind? On and off. And the dream of batteries storing energy and  providing it at night is a dream. For all the talk no one has done this at the scale required. Oh, Germany has some batteries... Yes, building toward 1 per cent of the load (and for several days of outage). For all their talk the UK is in the same situation. More on this below.

So we need power plants that can run at any time, not dependent on sunlight or the wind, as back up to solar and wind. 

The next step by Jay Inslee logic is to require stopping use of gasoline, natural gas, biomass and any source that can emit CO2. And replace them by electricity - of which there will be less.

Electric cars required, not gasoline-powered. Cooking by natural gas: make it illegal. Heating by natural gas? No. Must be electric.

Uh... Gov. Jay, how will you keep the lights on and the cars running?

Frances Menton of the Manhattan Contrarian blog did an in-depth study on the energy storage problem - storing power for when solar and wind provide no power. It is the source of data on Germany and UK. See The Energy Storage Conundrum at Global Warming Policy Foundation


Friday, May 19, 2023

Drugs remain illegal in Washington, but some really want them legal

 The Washington Legislature finally passed a law to continue that crack, heroin, meth and fentanyl possession and use remain illegal. It was a close call;  if no action was taken by June 1 drugs would have been wide open. Oregon did so two years ago and it's ugly.

The law they passed is cumbersome; an incredibly simple fix was available. But they did something.

But the Seattle Demos are mourning the lost opportunity. They wanted full legalization.

Fentanyl kills - the Demos want its use fully legal.

Heroin kills - the Demos want its use fully legal.

Methamphetamine ruins lives and families - the Demos want its use fully legal.

Danny Westneat leads the mourners at Seattle Times