Monday, January 01, 2007

Dangers of Islam - in the Emergency Room

People went to hospital emergency rooms in Turkey after accidents while sacrificing sheep and other animals. Fox News reports More Than 1,000 Wounded During Muslim Animal Sacrifice in Turkey:
Muslims sacrifice cows, sheep, goats and bulls during the four-day religious holiday [Eid al-Adha], a ritual commemorating the biblical account of God's provision of a ram for Abraham to sacrifice as he was about to slay his son. They share the meat with friends, family and neighbors and give part of it to the poor. In Turkey, at least 1,413 people — called "amateur butchers" by the Turkish media — were treated at hospitals across the country, most suffering cuts to their hands and legs, the Anatolia news agency reported. Four people were severely injured when they were crushed under the weight of large animals that fell on top of them, the agency reported. Another person was hurt when a crane, used to lift an animal, tumbled onto him, the agency said.
We were in Tunisia during this holiday in 1981. It was strange. While walking past an apartment building you could hear the bleating of many sheep coming from the windows. On the other hand, it was probably positive for city kids to spend a few days taking care of their family's sheep. Ended by killing and eating their ward!! We were not disappointed that we were not invited to one of the sacrifices.

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