Monday, June 06, 2011

Mayor McGinn's pledge means little

Mayor McGinn has not kept his word on the tunnel to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct.
Seattle Times June 3, 2011
... McGinn pledged that, if elected, he would uphold city-state agreements but continue to ask "hard questions." The mayor has said he is keeping his word, and city staff are continuing to work with the state on the tunnel's preliminary design.

This spring he also campaigned for a referendum on the tunnel, which will appear on the August primary ballot. McGinn has said he'll drop his opposition to the tunnel if the voters say they support the project.

But before the referendum signature drive was launched, the mayor also decided to take on the final environmental review.

Marquardt submitted 110 comments from Feb. 4 to 28. He pressed the state to more fully address the project's funding, the potential for cost overruns, the effects of tolling to pay for the tunnel and the state's failure to adequately consider the mayor's favored viaduct-replacement plan, the surface/ transit option.
So He said he would uphold city-state agreements. But he is flooding the environmental review with 110 comments, so far, and he is attacking the agreement - costs, tolling. And to make it totally clear he is still trying to get his bicycle option considered again.

So he is clearly violating his pledge. And other people have shown that he is so focused on violating this pledge that he isn't doing all of his job. Failure in process. He is working on it. The public can see it. In late March his approval ratings from the public were more than 2 to 1 negative. Crosscut
His transportation director Hahn says the review is biased toward the tunnel. Hello? The tunnel is being built. Go look at the pile drivers that are working; I saw them yesterday. So, yes, the state is looking not looking at McGinn's bicycle alternative.

Hahn says McGinn is just trying to make sure things are thought out. But, McGinn! The project is at the "doing" stage. The people working on it are the builders. The time for exploring alternatives has passed. Hello, McGinn?

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