We passed Cape Horn, the southern-most island of South America by 8 am, way ahead of schedule. It has the looks for its strategic role. Even with the rough seas they kept going at 13 knots.* They don't want to prolong the misery, plus things could get worse! We are so early that we stopped as we entered Beagle Channel and anchored for the 10 hours. Why so early? Crew tell us that a ship we saw a couple days ago, the Silversea Prince Albert II, arrived in Ushuaia late and most the passengers missed their flights. Ugly!
Pleasant evening anchored. Trevor Potts continued his Shackleton trip retrace with phase 2, the crossing of South Georgia Island today. Prof. Ed Spencer spoke on Geologic Evolution and Plate Tectonics. Rev. Earl Palmer of National Presbyterian Church spoke on The Scent of Life.
* A knot is the speed of one nautical mile per hour. A NM is about 15% longer than a mile, so 13 knots is about 15 mph.
Photos are by Corinthian II staff. Cape Horn in the morning. Our excellent staff. They are the tour director John, second from left in the top row, and the naturalists and the zodiac captain and an additional driver; they all drove zodiacs. Click to enlarge.
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