Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Workers' paradise Cuba will lay off workers

Their system is not working. Fidel himself admitted it recently. So Cuba has announced that they are going to cut back government jobs and allow some private sector; now there is almost no private sector. Small businesses were outlawed in 1968. {It's impossible to stop all private enterprise - how do you stop Rita out in the country from selling eggs to her neighbors. Fidel tried to. But when a dictator tries to stop people from doing something it's ugly.) Reuters
Cuba will lay off more than 500,000 state employees by March and expand private employment to give them work in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the Cuban Workers Federation said on Monday. Eventually more than a million jobs would be cut and, due to efforts to increase efficiency in the state sector, there would be few new state sector openings, the federation said in a statement. More than 85 percent of the Cuban labor force, or over 5 million people, works for the Soviet-styled one-party state, many of them in unproductive work. "Our state cannot and should not continue maintaining companies, productive entities, services and budgeted sectors with bloated payrolls (and) losses that hurt the economy," the statement said. "Job options will be increased and broadened with new forms of non-state employment, among them leasing land, cooperatives and self-employment, absorbing hundreds of thousands of workers in the coming years," it said. The plan is the most important reform undertaken by President Raul Castro since he succeeded his brother Fidel Castro in 2008 and the biggest shift to private enterprise since all small businesses were nationalized in 1968. The younger Castro indicated last month that reform was coming to reduce the inefficiency of the Cuban economy. "We have to erase forever the notion that Cuba is the only country in the world in which people can live without working," Castro said, upon announcing in general terms his plans to cut state payrolls and increase self employment in an August speech to the National Assembly. According to Communist party sources who have seen the detailed plan to "reorganize the labor force," Cuba expects to issue 250,000 new licenses for self-employment by the close of 2011, almost twice the current number, and create 200,000 other non-state jobs. ...

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