Thursday, October 06, 2011

Election 2011

The 2011 election is only initiatives and local offices.

For the statewide initiatives see the Washington Policy Center's guide web page. Here is my quick take:

I-1183: I favor ending the government's monopoly on liquor sales. More competition will lead to lower prices. Washington Research Council did an analysis.

I-1125 Tolling. I am split on this one. I like the revenue being controlled by the Legislature, not passing the buck to a special board. But Tim went too far. The level of toll should vary by the time of day. We build more highways and lanes for the peak traffic. The big cost is the peak traffic; make them pay. But a lower charge for off-peak travel makes sense. On balance, I will support it.

I-1163: The SEIU can't get the Legislature to overspend for the union's interest. Indeed SEIU won't go through the give-and-take of law making. No, they go back to the voters to increase training requirements for long-term care workers. I oppose it.

The Seattle Times says it is a combination of bad policy and cynicism.

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