Monday, January 06, 2014

UW leads in arctic warming study

The University of Washington will now lead the US outside of Alaska in arctic research - and global warming? Seattle Times says it well "Arctic 101: UW degree to prep students for a melting world” UW has formed a new Future of Ice program, which will offer an Arctic Studies minor.

Is Australian Professor of Climate Change Chris Turney to be on the faculty? His Spirit of Mawson expedition was researching climate change and the loss of sea ice in Antarctica. Well, that was their stated intent. (Turney is known to be a warming scienist by his being a “carbon entrepreneur” according to The Australian registration required) But they found the increase of sea ice. Actually, the sea ice found them and made their host ship stuck in the ice.

Now their ship and the Chinese ice breaker sent to rescue them are waiting to be rescued by (ta ta!) the United States of America’s Polar Star icebreaker.

More details on the Spirit of Mawson - Clarice Feldman at American Thinker.

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