Freedom and growth improve life for everyone. Evidence and the current news.
In work
I am now reading:
Animal Algorithms by Eric CassellThe Evening and the Morning by Ken Follett
Trespassing on Einstein's lawn by Amanda Gefter - Journalist who was not at all a scientist took on the big questions. And became a first-class science journalist. STILL stalled; going to finish.
Really? Do you need to ask why oil production is off limits here? You're just another ignorant republican arent you? Did you learn anything from the BP disaster in the gulf? The marine life in these waters is the base of the food chain for almost all other marine life. The protection of these areas is of critial importance to the survival of all marine life, and also to the economic survival of the people and corporations that fish these waters. If we pollute these waters and kill these ecosystems, then not only are the ecosystems destroyed, but the fishing industry is destroyed. If we dont have fish to eat from these waters, then we also end up raising the price of all the food we eat due to a shortage of seafood. There's also the tourist industries that rely on coastal areas having clean beaches with clean water. If one rig springs a leak, then we have 100's or 1000's of miles of coastline ruined. I'm thankful congress has placed these areas off limits! It will hopefully keep greedy, short sighted people like yourself from destroying these waters.
Every 6 years, enough oil naturally seeps off the coast of California to equal the Exxon Valdez spill. Environmentalists say that if that oil was extracted, it would lessen the pressure and likely reduce the seepage. Yet you "ignorant" Democrats would never allow such drilling. Nose, face, spite - you get the picture...
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