Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My bridge - now open

The City of Lake Forest Park is building a bridge for me!

When I walk to our neighborhood mall - and our gem Third Place Books - I have to walk next to Bothell Way/Highway 522 on a narrow sidewalk then walk in the street at an intersection that is 10 feet from 522. This requires care because 522 is one of the busiest highways in the state and the speed limit is 45 mph.

Our little city is building a pedestrian bridge that will keep me away from that intersection. It took them a couple of months to building the concrete footings for the bridge. Then they dropped in a prebuilt steel bridge last week. So it should be ready for pedestrians within a week. The sidewalk part of the route stays, but it is short.

My bridge? I use it regularly, but not many others do.

Update 4/15: It is now open.

The photos: The bridge [new photo]. The intersection; silver car is on 522. Click to enlarge.

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