Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Obama protects US public - blames Republicans

Atty General Holder announced Monday that 9//1 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammad will not be tried for his crimes in downtown New York City, but at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. So? If he were tried in civilian court much evidence against him could not be introduced. First, because it would do great damage to our intelligence collecting. And the rules for evidence would prevent much of it to be introduced. Hello, Mr. Holder!?

It would have been a repeat of the debacle last year. Last November Ahmed Ghailani was acquitted of the murder of 224 innocent people including Americans at the 1996 American embassy bombings in Kenya. There were 284 charges against Ghailani; he got off on 283; was convicted of one tiny charge.

President Obama did not brag that Monday's move was best for our country. No, his mouthpiece Holder blamed Congress - the Republicans. Well... some of the opposition was bipartisan. Democrats don't want dangerous international criminals held in their districts either. Funny thing, Americans want to be safe!

Were the people of Manhattan greatly disappointed? No. They cheered! According to Lucianne Goldberg who lives and works there. The city had been complaining that security for the American-killers would cost $200 million that the city would have to bear. And there would have been huge opportunity cost in lost business and tourism. NY Post

Correction: the cost to NYC of increased security would be $416 million. An unfunded mandate. Huff Post NY

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