Friday, April 29, 2011

Trump is running as a Democrat

The Donald showed his true colors Thursday night in Las Vegas. He is like Vice President "Bite Me" Biden who said the F-bomb on mike when congratulating Pres. Obama after the passage of ObamaCare.

Thursday night: ABC News

Real estate developer Donald Trump unleashed a tirade of profanity in a speech at a boisterous Las Vegas casino as he assured a crowd of adoring supporters Thursday night that he is seriously weighing a presidential run and will make a decision soon.

During a 30-minute stump speech focused mostly on foreign affairs, Trump sprinkled in a number of insults directed toward the nation's leaders.

ABC is so proper that they won't print the foul language that he used. But the video shows repeated F-bombs.

The Democratics love this stuff. John F-ing Kerry used profanity in prepared remarks before students during the 2004 campaign without a complaint from the Democrats.

Clearly Trump intends this for an audience of Democrats.

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