Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sarkozy mocks President Obama

Obama promised to regain the world's respect for the US. On his first trip overseas everyone praised him to his face. But now what are they saying? President Nicholas Sarkozay of France mocked him recently in the French press, said he would invite BO to walk on water. L' reports in French:
Nicolas Sarkozy relativise l'état de grâce dont bénéficie Barack Obama :"Les journalistes n'ont pas de mémoire! En 2000, George W. Bush était si populaire que Jacques Chirac s'était arrangé pour dîner avec lui avant même qu'il ne soit investi." Le président français, qui accueillera son homologue américain sur les plages de Normandie le 6 juin, pour le 65e anniversaire du Débarquement, ironise sur l'"obamania" des médias : "Je vais lui demander de marcher sur la Manche, et il va le faire, vous verrez..."
Nicolas Sarkozy criticized the Obama's popularity : "Journalists have no memory! In 2000, George W. Bush was so popular that Jacques Chirac had arranged to dine with him before he was inaugurated. " The French President, who will host his U.S. counterpart on the beaches of Normandy on 6 June for the 65th anniversary of the Normandy Landing, is ironical about "obamania": "I will ask him to walk on the Channel, and he will... "

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