Saturday, August 28, 2010

I-1082 End state monopoly on workers' comp insurance

Washington is doing a poor job of providing "insurance" for on-the-job injuries. It's a mess. It is headed for insolvency. Only 4 states have a state monopoly in this area. Administrative costs are skyrocketing - up 82 per cent in 10 years. Workers take more time off for injuries - much more time. Average of 270 days versus 70 in Oregon. Initiative 1082 will open the market for other providers. Then with its monopoly gone employers can choose other providers and Washington will have to clean up this mess. See


Anonymous said...

Does more time off mean that Washington's system is too lax, or that other states are sending people back to work too soon? Does Washington have more severe injuries than Oregon? Of course these questions are unanswerable unless you have data on original injuries and outcome data following work accidents. Where is that data?

And what is the deal with administrative costs? Why are they up? What is the money being spent on? Can you answer these questions? I don't want to pay pencil pushers any more than I have to.

Is Washington's workers comp program more expensive than states with private programs? The claims you make really have no facts behind them. I am interested to see if you have more info.

Ron said...

I treat anonymous comments with the disrespect they deserve. Nevertheless, I will bring the facts to light; I know they are to be found.

Then I will post this at where 3 to 4,000 people per day will see it. (But I am going to be out of the country for a week.)

Anonymous said...

So you do respect my post...get those facts in, buddy.

"Then I will post this at where 3 to 4,000 people per day will see it. (But I am going to be out of the country for a week.)"

Why do I care about this?